Esther and Mordecai

“Such a time as this,” Esther 4:14 

This year has been full of different, fighting among several people groups in Myanmar. It is sad to see the destructiveness and death. But as Hkaw Win and I prayed, we felt it was time to go back to her home country. Unfortunately, I could not go back, so Hkaw Win, with much peace and faith and prayer, and we preparation left on March 10, making the long journey back home where she will continue to use her mother's home as a base for preparing more discipleship and evangelistic material both for the Kachin and the Burmese people. She may be there for as much as two months. There are several areas of fighting and one of them is about 5 miles outside of the city where we serve. There is heavy artillery all around, and the skies often have jet fighters and helicopter gunships. 

Now something unexpected took place the day before she left. We got a phone call from home in the middle of the night. Her mom was not doing well, and after a few words of interaction and prayer with her mom, she peacefully went home to be with our Lord Jesus Christ. God opened the door so Hkaw Win could get home the night before the funeral. There was a great time of thanksgiving for the matriarch who lived a full life under the loving guidance of Her Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus. It has been a week of morning and a house filled with many people, but we are thankful for all the support and prayers. 

Now, by the time you get this letter, she will have been there for about two weeks. Some days, there is no power or way to communicate, but God is giving us both strength and peace because we believe, like Esther, that Hkaw Win is to be there “for such a time as this.” We have seen when war with its destructiveness all around but at the same time, people have become more open to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and with God’s strength and wisdom, we will push forward. Please keep us both in your prayers. In some ways, I feel I am like Mordecai behind the scenes, helping Esther to carry the Lord's plans for her people and country. 

We do need your help and prayers. The doors are still open to help the people with tools for equipping the disciples and materials that can be used for evangelism, but we need to raise at least $10.000.00 plus. The more we raise funds, the more we can reach out to the various people in Myanmar. She is there, and I believe it is “for such a time as this.” I believe God has performed many miracles and has raised up people to pray and to help support where they can. We are praying for a last-day harvest amongst the 60 million people of this country who have lived in such darkness for thousands of years. Please talk with our heavenly father and ask who we can together keep planting seeds that, with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, germinate and produce a harvest for Christ's glory. As Hkaw Win's husband, I share this from a heaving heart, knowing in faith that God is leading us into areas that are only possible by His strength and love. 

Prayer Focus

  1. For Hkaw Win’s physical safety will serve in the country of Myanmar 

  2. For Hkaw Win’s heath and for God to pour an abundance of wisdom and peace. 

  3. For James, as he prays and shares the needs of the people of Myanmar in Canada. 

  4. That, like the book of Esther, Hkaw Win can fulfill the call of God for service like Esther and that I could carry out the will of the Father here at this time in some ways like Mordecai.

We pray for many miracles to continue at this time as we journey forward in your faith with Jesus Christ. Keep on keeping on. 

We pray the blessings of Christ will be upon your home. 

We love you all! 

Fellow servants in Christ, 

James and Hkaw Win Humphries 


Evangelism, discipleship, and missions 


Deeper abiding relationships