Evangelism, discipleship, and missions 

There are three keywords that are displayed in our office, and much of what we do is deeply anchored to these words: Evangelism, discipleship and missions. We believe that we as believers must get the gospel of Jesus Christ out to the nations, and we do this through writing tracts, getting them translated into various languages, and then people use them as tools to share their faith with others. With this in mind, we have produced thousands upon thousands of materials for Africa, Myanmar, Ukraine, Pakistan, Nepal, all over North America, Cuba, Mexico, and many other countries. These seeds produce fruit for God's glory, for which we give Him much praise. 

Then we have the discipleship side, where we provide tools for equipping the saints for service. These include Principles of Faith, Bible Information, Bible Dictionaries and Concordances, and leadership books. These resources have been distributed to many pastors and leaders in Africa, Pakistan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand, and again across North America. 

Next, and not least, we have the mission side, where we go out or send others to proclaim the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, to the nations. Hkaw Win has been in Myanmar, Thailand, and Japan this spring. Later, James also arrived in Japan, and both of us will soon head to Thailand. We have also come alongside about 14 other missions in the last several months to network and channel together what they can do concerning missions, evangelism, and discipleship. 

Here are just a few highlights in point form. As you look at this information, it shows what has been done, what is in the process of moving through the system, and what will be done yet this year, Lord willing. 

As of Aug 7, 2024 


  • I Am of Jesus – booklet (printing) 

  • Nicodemus – booklet (printing) 

  • Jonah – Mission Impossible (printing) 


  • Bible Information - Discipleship tool (printing) 

  • Servanted Leadership (printing) 


  • 16 tracts for evangelism (printed) 


  • 16 evangelistic tracts (printed) 


  • David’s Song – booklet (printed) 

  • I Am of Jesus – booklet (ready for printed) 

  • Good News – booklet (ready for printed) 


  • David’s Song – booklet (printed) 

  • Pure Gif of Love – tract (printed) 

  • Servant Leadership – discipleship tool (printed) 

  • Nicodemus – booklet (printed) 


  • Disciples Principle of Faith – discipleship tool (printing) 

We have many other evangelism and discipleship tools already translated and laid out for printing, but we don't have the finances to finish them yet. These materials are in German, Filipino, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Kachin, Burmese, Thai, and Nepa. We need much prayer and support for these evangelistic and discipleship tools so that these various disciples can continue to do the great commission in their country. 

Reflection on Hkaw Win’s Trip

We are grateful how God protected and provided for Hkaw Win as she travelled in the northern part of Myanmar, the war was heavy and there was heavy artillery, bombing from planes and helicopters. It was very scary, but she continues to connect with many people concerning evangelism and discipleship. There was a wide range of emotions through the death of her mom, the imprisonment of Pastor Samson, the martyrdom of one pastor and the shooting and beating of others. Hkaw Win was a real soldier of the cross of Jesus, and we were excited to meet in Japan. 

In Japan, we were met by family and friends, and we were glad to have Pastor Robert and Jackie with us for Hkaw Win’s mom's memorial service. We saw the hand of God and our prayer was answered by providing a translator for producing material for the Japanese people. 

Reflection Concern the Steinbach office outreach

We are excited about all the miracles that occur each week, where we connect with people on evangelism, discipleship and various outreach missions that we can come alongside and help with. There is also much prayer for the sick and hurting people, and we are so grateful for all the volunteers who minister each day in this area. Soon, we will launch our new and improved website, bringing all our websites under one roof. We are grateful for Kaitlyn, who had the vision and blessed the ministry with many hours of service. 

Update concerning Rev. Samon and Myanmar

We want to share that Pastor Samson is out of prison many years ahead of schedule and at home, having to be careful with what he says and does. The war has been raging all around Myitkyina, and there are many IDP people in and around the city having fled their villages. There also has been no electricity, phone or internet service. The military regime has destroyed much. Many Christians are there, and we must keep the people and churches in our prayers as they face much suffering. 

Upcoming trip to Thailand

Soon, we will be heading to Thailand to further the mission outreach to the Kachin, Burmese, and Thai people. We're producing Lord-willing materials and tools for another wave of outreach in discipleship and evangelism and providing thousands of materials and tools to pastors, church leaders, and teachers so they can fulfill the call of the Great Commission using their own language. 

There are over two million Burmese, 10,000 Kachin, and about 60 million Thai people spread throughout Thailand. Hkaw Win will head out on October 7th, and I will leave on October 15th. Our main focus is on Bible tools and some tracts for evangelism in the Thai, Burmese, and Chinese languages. 

We have many opportunities, but time is short. Lord willing, we may put up more treasures in heaven, focusing at this time on the Kachin, Burmese, and Thai peoples. We will need much prayer, wisdom, and support for this mission outreach. We have a team of about 8 to 10 people who do a variety of ministries for LAMBS in this country, and they will also need your prayers. 

Big thank you

We want to say one big thank you to so many people who have teamed up with us so we can continue fulfilling the call of evangelism, discipleship, and missions. There is much more to give, and we will need another wave of individual people and churches giving compassionately so we can keep bringing in the harvest in these latter days. Let's commit together and further in the expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven. We have spent much time in prayer, preparation and now it was time to plant and we need together to proclaim as much as possible “for such a time as this.” 

Prayer Focus

  1. To give thanks in prayer for how God worked and protected Hkaw Win in Myanmar, Thailand and Japan. 

  2. Please pray for all the preparations for our trip to Thailand in October. Hkaw Win will leave first, and then I will arrive a few weeks later. 

  3. Pray for the publication of the material in Burmese and Thai and for the fellow servants who will distribute it and equip others for service. 

  4. Pray for the needs of finances that are needed both in Myanmar and Thailand. 

We pray for many miracles to continue at this time as we journey forward in your faith with Jesus Christ. Keep on keeping on. We pray the blessings of Christ will be upon your home. 

We love you all! 

Fellow servants in Christ, 

James and Hkaw Win Humphries 


Esther and Mordecai